The working together of “all things” in our environment, especially the negative things, results in the “the good.” What is this “good?” How should this be a comfort to us?
How do we see the sections of Romans composed according to the attributes of God?
Romans 14:17 reveals that the church is the kingdom of God in this age. From what angle is the church the kingdom of God? What must our kingdom exercise be toward ourselves, others and God?
Our being transformed in receiving the believers according to Christ is expressed in what ways?
What five aspects of the church life are revealed in Romans 16 as the consummation of the gospel of God in Romans?
Paul’s concluding praise refers to the revelation of the mystery that has now been manifested. How is the manifestation of this mystery the ultimate consummation of the full gospel of God in Romans?
What are the four stations in the book of Romans and what kind of Christian is at each station?What are the four stations in the book of Romans and what kind of Christian is at each station?
In Romans 5 through 8, what does God do to make sons out of sinners to form the Body of Christ?
In Romans 1:2, Paul says that the gospel was “promised before through His prophets in the holy scriptures. What are some of these crucial elements of the gospel found in the book of Genesis?
What is central point and goal of the gospel? What then should be our aim in preaching the gospel?
How does seeing God’s creation of man in His image and likeness as a vessel to contain God help us to understand that we do not have an exchanged life but a grafted life?
What three illustrations does Paul use in Romans to illustrate the dispensing of the divine life into us and what does each illustration show us?
According to Romans 6:5, explain the two steps of our growth in Christ? Include how believing and being baptized cause us to grow.
What are the five steps of the divine life’s metabolic working within us to transform and conform us and how can we give the divine life a freeway to do so?
How does Romans 8 show that the Triune God has been processed to become the law of the Spirit of life in us? How may we enjoy and cooperate with the working of this law?
Which verses in Romans 8 show how the Triune God is imparting life to every part of our being that we may enjoy life in a threefold way?