Who are the three parties in this message? What do we see each of the parties doing?
According to this record of Jacob, how can transformation be accomplished?
How can we see from Genesis 31 that the blessing Jacob received is not from his trickery but God's sovereign and blessing hand? How can we apply this in our experience today?
What is the spiritual significance of God wrestling with Jacob as a man?
What is spiritual of God's hiding His name after wrestling with Jacob? Why was there the need for this wrestling to last for such a long time?
What is the spiritual significance of Jacob's thigh being touched by the Lord? From this how can we see the difference between religious practice and the Lord's touching?
How can we see Jacob and Joseph being the two aspects of the matured saints who fulfill the two aspects of God's eternal purpose?
How can we see Joseph's being a type of Christ as the constituion of the matured believers?
What is God's heavnely view concerning the believers seen in the two dreams of Joseph? Explain why we should never speak negatively concerning any saint.