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Truth Pursuit – Colossians
Study Questions
Message 1: The Background and Position of the BookMessage 1:
What is the background of the book of Colossians? How it is related to our experience in the church life today?
What books of the Bible compose the heart of the Bible? How can we see the subject of these books is Christ and the church?
Message 2: Introduction
What is the hope laid up for us in the heavens according to Colossians 1? How is laying of this hope related to faith and love?
What is the significance of knowing grace in truth?
Message 3: The Apostle’s Prayer
What is the meaning of the will of God mentioned in Colossians 1:9?
How did the Father qualify us for a share of Christ revealed in Colossians 1:13?
Message 4: Delivered Out of the Authority of Darkness and Transferred into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love
What does it mean to be under the authority of darkness according to the whole book of Colossians?
How can we be practically be in the kingdom of the Son of God's love?
Message 5: Christ—the Preeminent and All-inclusive One, the Centrality and Universality of God
What is to be under the authority of darkness experientially?
How can we see Christ being the preeminent and all-inclusive One?
Message 6: Christ—the Portion of the Saints
How can we see from Colossians that Christ is the reality of both the seed and the land promised to Abraham?
What is the significance of the children of Israel being delivered out of egypt in relation to the book of Colossians?
Message 7: Partaking of Christ in the Light
What is light and where can we find experience this light?
How is the light related to our enjoyment of Christ in our experience?
Message 8: Christ—the Firstborn of All Creation
What is the proper understanding of Colossians 1:20?
What is the significance of Christ being the firstborn of all creation?
Message 9: Christ—Firstborn from Among the Dead
What is the significance of two births of Christ?
What does it mean for Christ to be first?
Message 10: Christ’s Relationship to Creation
How is creation subjectively related to Christ?
How does Christ express God?
Message 11: The Stewardship of God
What is the relationship between stewardship, God's riches, and His dispensing?
What does it mean to complete the word of God in our experience?
Message 12: Filling Up What Is Lacking of the Afflictions of Christ
What are the two kinds of sufferings of Christ?
What is the goal of our christian work?
Message 13: Completing the Word of God
Why is it important for us to realize Chirst being the life-giving Spirit?
What is our burden and goal in the Lord's recovery in relation to the divine revelation?
Message 14: Christ—the Mystery of God’s Economy
What is the significance of the phrase "to the saints" in Colossians 1:26?
What is the goal of Paul's ministry revealed in Colossians 1:28?
Message 15: Christ in You the Hope of Glory
What is included in "all the fullness" mentioend in Colossinas 1:19?
What are the different aspects of Chirst mentioned in this message?
Message 16: Presenting Every Man Full-grown in Christ
How can we infuse Christ into others when we contact them?
Why is it crucial to to have the practical church life?
Message 17: Struggling according to the Operation of Christ
What is the way for us to present every man full grown in Christ?
What is the relationship between the comforting of the heart and the full knowledge of the mystery of God?
Message 18: Christ—the Mystery of God
What is the significance of having the riches of the full assurance of understanding? How can we have this in our experience?
What is the significance of all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge being hidden in Christ?
Message 19: The Experience of Christ as the Mystery of God
Why is it important for us to see Christ is the only soil we should be rooted in?
What is the relationship between our being established in the fatih and our abounding in thanksgiving?
Message 20: To Walk in Christ, the Mystery of God
How can we see that the goodland is a type of the all-inclusive Christ?
How can we walk in this all-inclusive Christ?
Message 21: Not to Be Deluded and Carried off from Christ
What are the three stages of enjoyment of Christ? How is this related to the tabernacle and temple church life?
How can we not be deluded and carried off from Christ?
Message 22: Made Full and Circumcised in Christ
What is the significance of Christ being the Head of all rule and authority?
What is the circumcision made without hands mentioned in Colossians 2?
Message 23: The Economy of God’s Salvation
What are the three things involved in the economy of God's salvation?
How can we see that both the law and the angels are ruled out in the realm of the economy of God's salvation?
Message 24: Christ—the Body of All the Shadows
What is the respective significance of the seventh day and eighth day?
How can we see that Christ is the reality of all positive things from Colossians 2?
Message 25: Christ versus Mysticism
How can we see from Colossians 1 and 2 that Christ truly is all and in all?
How can the believers be defrauded by self-chosen lowliness?
Message 26: The Experience of Christ’s Death versus Asceticism
What is the one person and the one way in God's economy?
How is the application of the cross crucial in our experinece in the church life?
Message 27: Christ—Our Life
How can we apply the death of Christ?
What is the significance of the life we have with Christ being hidden?
Message 28: Christ—the Constituent of the New Man
What is the significance of the new man being renewed unto the full knowledge of Christ?
Why should we regard ourselves as nobodies in the church as the new man?
Message 29: The Living of the Saints in Union with Christ: Ruled by the Peace of Christ and Inhabited by the Word of Christ
What is the peace of Christ in Colossians 3:15? What does it mean to let this peace arbitrate in our hearts?
What does it mean to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly?
Message 30: The Living of the Saints in Union with Christ: Expressing Christ in the Human Life, Praying with Perseverance, and Walking in Wisdom
How can we persevere in prayer when we don't have any burden to pray?
How can we redeem our time in our daily living?
Message 31: Conclusion
Why is the concluding word of Colossians significant?
How can we see Paul's consciousness of the one new man? What lessons can we learn from this?
Message 32: Living Christ as the Constituent of the New Man
What is the completion of the word of God in our experience? Why is it so crucial for the word of God to be completed in us?
What is the difference between living Christ and acesticim?
Message 33: Christ versus Culture for the New Man
What is the frustration that defrauds us of our enjoyment of Christ shown in Colossians? How can we be delivered from this frustration?
Why is it difficult to pray genuine prayers? How is genuine prayer related to living Christ?
Message 34: The All-inclusive Christ (1)
What is the significance of Christ being the image of God, the firstborn of all creation?
How should Christ being the firstborn of both the old and new creation impact our daily living?
Message 35: The All-inclusive Christ (2)
What is Paul's desire for the saints conveyed in the phrase "according to Christ" in Colossians 2:8?
What is an example of applying Christ being the reality of all positive things to our daily life?
Message 36: The All-inclusive Christ versus Culture
What is the main point when we speak on Christ replacing culture? How can Christ replace our culture?
How is persevering in prayer related to living Christ in practical daily affairs?
Message 37: Christ in You
What does it mean to live according to self-made culture?
How can we be delivered from self-made or inherited culture?
Message 38: Christ Lives in Me
What is God's intention for us in relation to Christ?
what does it mean for Christ to live in us experientially?
Message 39: To Live Christ
How can we live Christ and be freed from culture?
What should be our unique goal?
Message 40: Objective Revelation, Subjective Ministry, and Practical Experience
How is culture related to philosophy, tradition, elements of the world, lowliness, angel worship, and ordinances in Colossians In 2:8, 18, and 20?
What is the crucial point in dealing with culture?
Message 41: Self-made and Self-imposed Culture as a Substitute for Christ
What should be the reason that we do or refrain from doing certain things such as going to moives?
What is the relationship between culture and opinions?
Message 42: The Experience of Christ
How is it possible for Christ to be subjective to us in our experience?
How can we experience "let no one judge you" in Colossians 2:16?
Message 43: Identified with Christ by Being Grafted into Him
What is the significance of being baptized into the name of the Triune God in Matthew 28:19?
What is the relationship between baptism and grafting into Christ and growth in life?
Message 44: Having Been Rooted in Christ to Grow with the Growth of God
How can we be rooted in Chirst yet at the same time walk in Christ?
What is the growth of God? How is this growth related to our walking in Christ?
Message 45: The Extensive Revelation of the All-inclusive Christ
How can we see the extensiveness of the all inclusive Christ in Colossians? Why is such a Christ revealed in this book?
How can our refraining from doing a certain thing be living by culture? How should it be related to living Christ?
Message 46: Walk in Christ, Having Been Rooted and Being Built Up in Him
What are the two conditions that need to be fulfilled for us to walk in Christ? What does it mean to walk in Christ?
How can we be deeply rooted in Christ so we can truly walk in Christ?
Message 47: Rooted and Built Up in Christ with the Processed God
How can we grow up in Christ?
How can we become more deeply rooted into the processed Triune God? How is this related to our being built up in Christ?
Message 48: The Receiving of Christ
How can we receive more Christ into us?
What is the proper way to pray? How can we experience Christ in His fullness?
Message 49: Full Grown in Christ
What does it mean to deny the self? How is this related to having a vision of the extensiveness of Christ?
What does it mean to be full grown in Christ?
Message 50: Christ Replaced in Every Way
How can we see Christ being replaced in the book of 1 Corinthians, Galatians and Colossians?
What is the unique sin of unbelievers? And what is the unique sin of believers?
Message 51: Having Been Rooted in Christ and Being Built Up in Him (1)
In what part of our being have we been planted into Christ?
How is being built in Christ mentioned in Colossians 2:7 different from the building with the saints mentioned in Ephesians 4:16?
Message 52: Having Been Rooted in Christ and Being Built Up in Him (2)
What is the relationship between being rooted in Christ, growing in Christ and being built up in Christ ?
In what way God gives us growth? How can this be practically realized?
Message 53: In Christ Made Full, Circumcised, Raised, and Made Alive Together with Him
What are the elements contained in Christ as the soil describned by Colossians 2?
Why is it important to take time to absorb the Lord?
Message 54: In Christ and according to Christ
What is the difference between "in Christ" and "according to Christ"?
How can we practically being according to Christ in our daily life?
Message 55: Not Defrauded of Your Prize of the Enjoyment of Christ
What is the prize mentioned in Colossians 2:18?
How can we enjoy Christ in a practical way in our daily living according to Colossians 2:16-17?
Message 56: Holding the Head, Out from Whom All the Body Grows with the Growth of God
What does it mean to hold Christ as the Head in the context of Colossians 2? How is this related to our relationship with the church?
What are the three things included in holding Christ as the Head?
Message 57: Having Died with Christ from the Elements of the World and Having Been Raised with Christ to Live with Him in God
What are the elements of the world? How can we be practically delivered from them?
What is the significance of "the things which are above"?
Message 58: Seek the Things Above and Set Your Mind on Them
What is the way for Christ to be all and in all in the new man? How can this take place when we are on earth while Chirst is in the heavens?
What is the relationship between the churches on earth and the throne of God in the heavens?
Message 59: One Position, One Life, One Living, One Destiny, and One Glory with Christ
What are the three characteristics of Christ as our life?
What are the three aspects of one living with Christ in the heavens?
Message 60: Christ as All the Members and in All the Members in the New Man
Experientially speaking, what does it mean to seek the things which are above and to set our mind on them?
How can Christ be all in the new man?
Message 61: One with Christ in the Things Above
What are the two main aspects of Christ's heavenly ministry? How can we enter into the experience of these two aspects?
How does the new man come into existence and get renewed practically?
Message 62: The Renewing of the New Man
Since the new man has already been created, why is there still the need for the new man to be renewed?
What does it mean for the new man to be renewed unto full knowledge?
Message 63: The Peace of Christ Arbitrating in Our Heart
How can we switch on the divine transmission?
How can we experience the peace of Christ arbitrating in our hearts?
Message 64: The Word of Christ Inhabiting Us
Why does Paul mention the peace of Christ before the word of Christ in Colossians 3?
How do we let the word of Christ dwell in us richly?
Message 65: Persevering in Prayer
Why is it difficult to pray? How can we pesevere in prayer in a practical way?
What are the benefits of persevering in prayer?