Truth Pursuit – Exodus

Study Questions

  1. In contrast to the individual experience in Genesis, how can we see corporate experience of God's people shown in Exodus?
  2. What are the spiritual significances of the signs shown to Moses when God called him?
  3. What is the central thought of Exodus?

  1. What are the three aspects of the world? Which aspect of the world does Egypt typify?
  2. What is the spiritual significance of Pharaoh killing the male life but preserving the female life?
  3. How can we see God's sovereignty in preserving Israel for His purpose?

  1. How can we see God using female life during critical times in Exodus 2?
  2. What is the significance of the burning bush Moses saw?
  3. How can we see Moses being rejected by the immature male life but perfected by the matured male life?

  1. What is the relationship between God, Christ, man and woman?
  2. What kind of life should we live in order to be useful to God?
  3. How can we see throughout the Bible that God's people being a female dependent on God as the real male? How can we apply this to our church life today?

  1. Why did God wait for eighty years before He rescued the children of Israel out of Egypt? What principle can we see in this?
  2. What is the significance of the place where God called Moses?
  3. What is the significance of the Angel of Jehovah? What is the significance of the title of God being "I AM THAT I AM"?

  1. What are the two aspects of the purpose of God's calling Moses?
  2. How did God dealt with Moses with his natural strength? How can we learn from this in serving the Lord?
  3. What is the significance of the thorn bush burning with fire yet not being consumed?

  1. What is the difference in the significance of the thorns and fire between Genesis chapter three and Exodus chapter three?
  2. What is God's view concerning the church and why should we never speak negatively concerning the church?
  3. How can we see God who dwells in thorn bush is the God of resurrection? How can we apply this in our experience?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of Moses' rod becoming a serpent after being cast to the ground? How should we pick it up again?
  2. What is the significance of Moses' hand becoming leprous? And how was his hand restored?
  3. What is the significance of the water of river in Egypt becoming blood?

  1. How can we see the principle of the Body of Christ in God's matching Moses with Aaron?
  2. Why did God try to kill Moses after calling him?
  3. What is the significance of Moses' wife's cutting with a sharp stone?

  1. How can we see God's desire to gain a dwelling place through the vision of the burning thorn bush?
  2. How can we see in our experience God being the One who is?
  3. What are the three signs that God showed to Moses when he was called? How can we apply them in our experience?

  1. What are the aspects of the purpose of God's calling?
  2. What is the ultimate purpose of God's calling seen in the heart of the Bible?

  1. What are the three stations that God's people need to pass through to fulfill God's purpose?
  2. What is the factor that brought children of Israel from the wilderness into the goodland?
  3. What is the reality of the goodland today? What are the factors that need to be dealt with in order to walk in the reality of the goodland?

  1. What is the significance of holding a feast unto the Lord?
  2. What does Pharaoh typify in Exodus?
  3. What is the kind of "idleness" that God desires His people to have?

  1. What is the difference between El Shaddai and Jehovah?
  2. What is the difference between God's promise and God's covenant? How are they related to Christ being lifted up on the cross and to the throne?

  1. How can we apply God's word of assurance to Moses to our experience today?
  2. What is Moses' natural concept about his lips after being sent by God? What lesson can we learn from this?

  1. What is the significance that Aaron's rod swallowing up the rods of the Egyptian magicians?
  2. What is the first plague God sent to the Egyptians? What is the spiritual significance and purpose of this plague?

  1. What does it mean to be saved shown in the book of Exodus?
  2. What is the significance of the frogs and lice in our experience? How can this be either Lord's revelation or His punishment?

  1. How could God righteously maintain the existence of the universe? How can we see God's mercy in this?
  2. What is the significance of the swarms of flies in the fourth plague in Exodus?
  3. How can we see the principle of implication in the fifth plague in Exodus?

  1. What are the seventh, eighth and ninth plague that God brought upon Egypt? How can we see the functions of the universe were changed in these plagues?
  2. What is the main purpose of the plagues for God's chosen people?

  1. What are the five stages of Pharaoh's bargaining? How can we see these stages in the preaching of the gospel and the Christian life?
  2. What does plundering Egypt mean in our experience?

  1. What is the relation between Gods sovereignty and our responsibility?
  2. What can we learn from Pharaoh hardening his heart?

  1. In dealing with Pharaoh, how can we see God's sovereignty?
  2. In the conflicts between God and Pharaoh what is the proper way to work for God?
  3. What does it mean to be God's representative?

  1. According to Exodus 12:4, how can we see that Christ is always sufficient?
  2. Why did the children of Israel have to be in the house that was sprinkled with the blood?

  1. What is the significance of applying the blood by hyssop?
  2. What is the principle of redemption? How is this related to our abiding in Christ?

  1. What is the significance of keeping the feast of unleavened bread for seven days inmmediately following the passover?
  2. What is the signifiance of not working on the first day and last day of the feast of the unleavened bread?
  3. How can we see that the redeemed ones can eat Christ as the passover but not the natural man? How can we apply this in our experience?

  1. How did God work in enivronment of the children of Israel to deal with their "leaven"?
  2. What does it mean to to plunder the world?
  3. What is the result of not having an absolute exodus from the world?

  1. What is the significance of Joseph's bones being buried in Egypt? How can we apply this to our experience?

  2. What are the conditions to have the Lord's leading?

  3. What do the cloud and fire symbolize? Relate this to your experience.

  1. According to the picture in Exodus, what is the relationship between our being persecuted after our salvation and baptism?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of the pillar of cloud being light to the Israelites but darkness to Egyptians?

  1. Why is it necessary for the children of Israel to cross the red sea? How is this related to the experience of our salvation?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of the children of Israel being baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea?

  3. From the picutre in Exodus, how can we see that baptism leads us to the church life?

  1. What is the significance of the three days journey in the wilderness after passing through the Red Sea?

  2. How did the water at Marah become sweet? How can we apply this in our experience?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the twelve springs at Elim?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of the seventy palm trees at Elim?

  1. What is the real cause of the murmuring of children of Israel after Elim?

  2. How can we see that we need manna to deal with our flesh?

  3. What are the conditions for the manna to be sent?

  1. How can we see God's discipline with the children of Israel in Exodus 16 and Numbers 11? How can we see this in our experience?

  2. What is the purpose of God changing Israel's diet from Egyptian food to manna? How is this related to the dealing of the flesh?

  1. What is the main crucial point of Exodus 16?

  2. What is the significance of the contrast between the sending of quails and the sending of manna?

  1. How can we see from the Bible that eating is a basic and central matter in God's economy?

  2. How can we see from the Bible God's desire for us to have Christ as the unique source of supply?

  3. How can we say that there is only one ministry in the New Testament? How is this unique ministry related to Christ as our unique diet?

  1. What is the significance of manna comes with the dew every morning?

  2. Concerning the gathering of manna, what is our real need?

  1. What is the significance of manna being small?

  2. How is manna prepared to be made ready for God's people to eat? How is this related to our experience of Christ?

  3. What is the significance of manna having the appearance of bdelium?

  1. What is the focal point of our christian life?

  2. What is the signifiance of the hidden manna being one omer in measure?

  3. What is the relationship betwwen hidden manna and priesthood?

  1. What is the signifiance of the hidden manna being perserved in the gold pot?

  2. What is the significance of the manna with the gold pot being before the Testimony?

  3. How can we see from the picture of manna that our enjoyment of Christ is not according's man's natural concept but God's divine regulations?

  1. What is the significance of difference of the order of the tree of life and the river in Genesis 2 and Revelation 22?

  2. What is the significance of the rock being smitten by the rod of Moses?

  1. How can we see the three parties being put to test in Exodus 17 and only God passed the test?

  2. What is the purpose of God leading His people to a place of dryness?

  3. What is the relationship between eating, drink and breathing Christ?

  1. What is resurrection?What is the issue of our drinking this water in resurrection?

  2. What is the water of life? How was this water released and how did it reach us?

  1. What is the basic principle concerning man's relationship with God in the Bible?

  2. How can we see eating and drinking stressed both in the completing ministry of Paul and the mending ministry of John?

  1. What is the way to drink the living water?

  2. What is the true worship that God desires from us?

  1. Why is it so crucial for us to flow the living water out?

  2. What is the practical way for us to flow the living water?

  3. What is the relationship between our flowing the living water and the crucifixion of Christ?

  1. Why do we need the heavenly food and the living water to fight against the flesh?

  2. What was the purpose of Amalek fighting in fighting against God's people? What is the purpose of the flesh in fighting against us?

  3. Who does the Moses and Joshua typify in the defeating of Amalek in Exodus 17?

  1. What is the relationship between the dealing of the flesh and the kingdom with God's buildng seen in Exodus?

  2. What are the four things we need to preserve our prayer life?

  3. How can we see in Exodus 17 that Christ as the interceding one in the heavens and the fighting Spirit within? How can we cooperate with Him to deal with the flesh?

  1. What is grace? What is the flesh? How is flesh is against grace?

  2. How is flesh is against God's kingship? How is this related to our prayer life?

  3. What can we learn from Saul's losing his kingship due to sparing the best part of the cattle of the Amalekites?

  1. What are the two sections of Exodus? How are these sections connected with Exodus 18?

  2. What do Moses, Jethro and Zipporah typify in Exodus 18? How can we apply this to the preaching of the Gospel today?

  3. How can we apply the type of the elders of Israel and the captains to our church life today?

  1. What is the significance of the mountain of God in Exodus 19? How can we see this in our experience?

  2. How can we be be brought into the fellowship with God?

  3. What are the different aspects of the knowledge of God we will have when we enter into the fellowship with God?

  1. What are the Ten Commandments seen in Exodus 20?

  2. What is the main function of the Law given by God? What kind of God can we see from the Ten Commandments that our God is?

  1. What is the significance of God's law being His words?

  2. What is the relationship between being an loving seeker of God and keeping of the law? How can we apply this in our reading of the Bible?

  1. How is the law an engagement convenant, an engagement paper with His people?

  2. How can keeping the Sabbath be a sign of engagement?

  3. What is the highest function of the law?

  1. How can we see that the entire Bible is a book of engagement?

  2. What is the way for us to receive His life and to be one with Him?

  1. How can we see God's romance with man in His creation, in His choosing Israel, in His coming in the New Testament and in His regenerating us?

  2. How can we see the Bible being the divine romans full of God's "dating" and courting of man?

  3. How is keeping of the law related to our loving Him as our Husband?

  1. What is the significance of considering God's law as His word? How should we approach the Bible in the light of this?

  2. What is the difference between the "day" aspect of the law and the "night" aspect? How can we be in the "day" side?

  1. What does musing upon the word mean in our experience?

  2. What does it mean to treasure God's word as spoil?

  1. What is the proper attitude and spirit we should have when coming the word of God?

  2. What are some practical ways that we can contact the Lord in our spirit through the word?

  1. How can we receive light from the Bible?

  2. How can we have fine hairs to receive the life supply that is in the word?

  1. What is the highest blessing we receive through enjoying the word of God? How is this blessing related to all the foregoing ten blessings?

  2. What does it mean for God to be our portion?

  1. What is factor that determines our contact with God and His word to be in the "day" or at "night"? How can we see this in the experience of Moses versus majority of the children of Israel?

  2. What is the two-fold significance of Mount Horeb? How are these two aspects related to our experience in the church life?

  1. What is God's eternal intention? How can we see this in Moses's experience on the mountaintop?

  2. What is God's intention to give us the Bible? In the light of this, how should we approach this Book?

  1. What is the intention of God's giving the commandements to His people in both the Old and New Testament? What should be our prayer toward the Lord when we see these commandments in the Bible?

  2. What is the central concept in the Bible concerning the giving of commandments?

  1. What are the three main functions of the law?

  2. What does it mean for the law to be unto life? How can we receive life from the God's law?

  1. What is the significance of the veil Moses put on his face? How is this related to the glorious ministry of Moses becoming the ministry of condemnation and death?

  2. What does it mean to be in the New Testament experientially? How should this affect our experience of receiving God's speaking?

  1. What is the significance of having no idols of gold and silver mentioned in Exodus 20?

  2. What is the significance of the altar of God being erected only with earth or unhewn stone?

  1. In the matter of worship to God, how can we see God's way in contrast to man's way in Exodus 20 and 1 Corinthians 1:23-24?

  2. What is the signifiance of the cross in terms of the worship of God? How can we remain under the covering of Christ?

  1. What is the spirit of the first ordinance mentioned in Exodus 21? Why is this mentioned first among all the ordinances in relation to others?

  2. What is the motive and prerequisite of being a slave? How can we see this in the pattern of the Lord Jesus and Paul?

  1. How can we see the sweetness of the spirit of the ordinances mentioned in Exodus 21-23?

  2. What is the ultimate significance of the ordinances in Exodus 21-23?

  1. How can we see man's fall with satan, demons, indwelling sin and outward sins implied in Exodus 21-23?

  2. How can we see redemption, termination and replacement by Christ through the altar and sacrifices?

  3. What is the significance of the city of refugee being a type of Christ?

  1. What is the significance of offering the fullness and tears to God in our experience?

  2. How can we see the enjoyment of the Triune God in the type of the three feasts?

  1. What is the significance of the fat of God's feast not remaining until the morning?

  2. What is the significance of not seething a kid in his mother's milk?

  3. Give a brief summary of Exodus 21-23 with the view of God's economy.

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the Angel of Jehovah in Exodus 23? How is this related to our experieince of Christ as the goodland?

  2. What is the significance of the frustraters in the goodland? In the light of this, what is the way for us to possess Christ as the goodland?

  1. What does it mean to obey the Angel of Jehovah and not provoke Him in our spiritual experience today?

  2. What is the way that God drive out the "pagan tribes" within us?

  1. How can we see in Exodus that in order to take possession of Christ we need to take the intiative to drive out our natural life as we grow in life?

  2. What are the four items of God's complete care to His people in the matter of taking possession of the goodland? How can we apply them to us spiritually?

  1. What does the altar imply in the enactment of the law by Moses?

  2. By the twelve pillars, how can we see God's intention in the decree of the law?

  1. How can we see God's economy in the enactment of the law? And what can we learn from the children of Israel's ignorance of God's intention?

  2. What is the crucial point of the new covenant?

  1. What is the two-fold intention of God's giving of the law?

  2. What is the function of the blood according to God's economy? How is this related to our being made pillars of God?

  1. What are the different aspects of the new covenant that the blood of Jesus has ushered us into?

  2. What are the wonderful things that the blood of Christ has done for us?

  1. What are the different degrees of fellowship with God implies in Exodus 24? How is this related to the different sections of the tabernalce?

  2. How can we see the degree of our fellowship with God being related to our seeing the vision of God's building?

  1. What is the significance of the tabernacle and Temple in the Bible? How does the enlargement of the ark point to the experience of Christ?

  2. What is the significance of the material of the tabernalce being the heave offering?

  3. What are the three categories of the material used for God's building? How are they related to one another in our spiritual experience?

  1. How can we see the goal and consummation of the book of Exodus is God's buildng? How can we apply this in our experience?

  2. How can we see the offering of the heave offerings implies our subject experience of Christ? How can we apply this to the church meetings?

  1. What is the significance respectively of silver and bronze? What is it like to experience them in our daily life?

  2. What is the significance respectively of the line being blue, purple, scarlet and fine? How is this related to our daily living?

  3. What is the significance respectively of goat's hair, ram's skin and porpoise skin?

  1. How can we see from the type in Exodus that Christ is the center and content of the church?

  2. How can we see from the ark Christ being the mingling of God and man and the embodiment of God with the divine glory?

  1. How can we see the experience of the cross in the making of the four rings of the ark?

  2. What is the significance of the poles to carry the ark? And in our experience how can we apply the fact that the ark is borne directly on the shoulders of men?

  1. How can we see from the Bible that Christ is the One who propitiates, the propitiatory sacrifice, and the propitiatory place for God and man to meet together?

  2. What is the significance of the cherubim on the propitiatory cover?

  3. How can we say that the usefulness of the ark depends on the propitatory cover? How is this related to our experience?

  1. How is our tripartite being typified by the tabernacle with the ark?

  2. Describe the all-inclusive Christ in our spirit using the type of the ark with the propitiatory cover.

  1. How was the tree of life opened again?

  2. Where can we see the reality of the ark in the mending ministry of John?

  3. What is the issue of our fellowship with God upon Christ as the ark?

  1. How can we see the throne of grace is Christ Himself? And how can we come forward to this throne of grace in our experience?

  2. By what should our daily living be controlled?

  1. What is the relationship between the table of the bread of the Presence and the ark?

  2. What is the significance of the table of the bread of the Presence being in the tabernacle?

  1. What is the significance of the border and the rings of table of the bread of the Presence? How are they related to one another?

  2. What is the significance of the bread of the Presence? How can we partake of this bread in our experience?

  1. What is the significance of the Lampstand in the Bible?

  2. What is the meaning of "light of life"? How is this related to Christ as our supply of life?

  3. What is the significance of the calyx and blossom bud? How are they related in our experience?

  1. What is the first significance of the Lampstand? How can we apply this in our experience?

  2. What is the significance of the snuffing of the charred wicks? And what is the significance of the snuffers being of gold?

  1. How can the church meetings be full of light shown in the typology of the lampstand in the holy place?

  2. What is the relationship between the lampstand and the table of the bread of the Presence in our experience?

  1. What is the significance of the curtains being fine twined linens along with its dimensions?

  2. What is the significance of the curtains being blue, purple and scarlet and emboridered with cherubim? What about them being joined together through blue loops and gold clasps?

  1. What is the significance of the second lay of the covering of tabernalce being made of goat's hair? What is the significance of its dimensions?

  2. What is the significance of the materials of the third and four layer of the covering of the tabernacle?

  1. What is the significance of the covering of the tabernalce being mentioend before the boards?

  2. What is the significance of the boarding of the tabernalce being half in unit?

  1. What is the significance of the two tenons and silver sockets for each board to stand?

  2. What is the significance of the rings and bars to join and connect the standing boards to be one?

  1. What is the significance of the veil within the tabernacle?

  2. What is the significance of the pillars bearing the veil within the tabernacle?

  1. What is the difference between the first and second tabernacle in our experience?

  2. How is the flesh related to our experiencing the second tabernacle?

  1. In terms of spiritual significance and experience, what is the difference between the veil within the tabernacel and the screen at the entrance of the tabernalce?

  2. What are the two kinds of pillars in the tabernacle? How do they differ in our spiritual experienice?

  1. What are the two aspect of Christ's humanity typfied by the screen and the veil of tabernacle?

  2. Why is there the need of the pillars for people to enter into the enjoy of God?

  1. How can we see the two veils of the tabernacle in 2 Corinthians chapter five?

  2. What are the metaphors that Paul used to describe the situation of entering into the second veil?

  1. What is the significance of the burnt offering altar?

  2. What is the significance of the dimensions of the burnt offering altar?

  1. What is the significance of the burning of the offering being within the altar?

  2. What is the significance of the burning of the fire and moving of the altar being related to the four rings? How is this related to our preaching of the gospel?

  1. How can we see the Gospels, Acts and the Epistles in the grating with the four rings?

  2. What is the significance of the height of grating being the same as the ark?

  1. What does it mean for Christ to offer Himself through the Spirit on the cross mentioned in Hebrews 9:14?

  2. Why is it necessary in our preaching of the gospel to have both the redemption of Christ and the Spirit?

  1. How can we see the redeeming Christ issuing in the Spirit in the picture of the burnt offering altar?

  2. What is the relationship between the cross, the Spirit and the church seen in the picture of the burnt offering altar?

  1. What is the significance of the grating inside the altar being the same height of the ark?

  2. What is the goal of the Lord's recovery? How is this related to the life-giving Spirit?

  1. What is the relationship between the Spirit, righteousness, and life in the New Testament ministry?

  2. What is the significance of the fine linen hanging on the bronze pillars being the sphere of the tabernacle?

  1. How can we see the rightesousness and holiness being the expression of God's building portraited in the tabernacle?

  2. How is the righteousness being the expression of God's building related to the judged Christ?

  1. How can we see from the gate of the tabernacle that God's building is man bearing God as a testimony?

  2. In the picture of the tabernacle, how can we see the judgement of God issuing in Christ's redemption which brings us into the divine nature of God as our destiny?

  1. What is the relationship between bronze, silver, and linen in our experience?

  2. Why should we preach the uplifted gospel instead of the lowered gospel? How can we preach such a gospel?

  1. What kind of person and elements are need for the lighting of the lamps in the holy place? How can we apply this to our church meetings?

  2. What is the relationship between lighting the lamps and the priestly garment in our experience?

  1. How can we see that lighting the lamps requires our experience of Christ?

  2. What are the two issues of lighting the lamps in our experience?

  1. In term of spiritual significance, what is the relationship between tabernacle and the priesthood?

  2. How can we be protected and be strong and stable in our Christian life?

  1. How can we see life and building in Genesis 2, 1 Peter 2, and Revelation 22?

  2. What is the true spirituality that will become our protection?

  1. What is the significance of the priestly garment being for glory and for beauty?

  2. In our experience, how is the expression of Christ related to our being built with the saints?

  1. How is the fastening function of ephod related to glory and beauty in our experience?

  2. What is the significance of the materials of the ephod? And what is the significance of the golden settings for the onxy stones?

  1. How is the experience of ephod related to our transformation?

  2. How can we see transformed believers and Christ become the mutual beauty to one another?

  1. What is the proper understanding of the two natures of Christ?

  2. How can we see color blue, purple, scarlet and white in the God-man living of Christ in the four gospels?

  1. What is the significance of the gold setting in which the onxy stones are placed?

  2. What constitutes Christ’s strength to fasten us to Himself, to bear us, and to uphold us?

  1. How can we see the relationship between God's leading and the church in the picture of breastplate?

  2. Why should we never make excuses for our failing to be Christ's perfect testimony?

  1. How can we see the transformation and building of the believers in the picture of breastplate?

  2. How can we see the mingling of the believers with the processed Triune God in the breastplate?

  1. How can we see the church being connected to Christ by His divinity, humanity and the Spirit in the picture of the ephod?

  2. How can we see the church is being held by Christ in His love and upheld by Christ with His strength in the picture of the ephod?

  1. In our experience, what does it mean to receive leading from the Lord through the breastplate? What is experiential significance of breastplate being ready before Urim and Thummim are added to it?

  2. How is the breastplate of judgement related to God's regulations?

  1. What are the qualifications of a person who can use Urim and Thummim to receive revelation from God?

  2. What is the significance of Urim being related to the Spirit and the cross?

  1. From the picture of the breastplate, how can we see that Christ is the both the inscribing and the completing alphabet?

  2. How can we see that regardless how much Christ we have experienced, we still need Christ to be added to us?

  1. What are the three requirements that the church needs in order to function as the breastplate of judgement?

  2. How can we see the practical examples of the breastplate of judgement in Paul's epistles and the epistles to the seven churches in Revelation? In particular, how can we see judgement and supply go together in 1 Corinthians?

  1. What is the significance of the long train of robe in Isaiah 6:1?

  2. What is the respective significance of the golden bells and pomogranates at the bottom of the priest's robe? And how are they related to one another in our spiritual experience?

  1. How can we see that Christ bears the responsibility to bring all of us into the four-fold holiness unto God?

  2. What is the significance of the priests' need of being covered of their naked flesh while serving God?

  1. What is the definition of holiness in our experience according to the Bible?

  2. How can we see from Exodus that Christ is safeguarding the fourth stage of holiness for God?

  1. What is the mark that sets us apart to be God's priests?

  2. How can we see Chirst filling both our outward and inward need in the Luke 15?

  1. What are the two kinds of burning mentioned in Exodus 29?

  2. How is the offering of the sin offering related to our enjoyment of Christ in our experience?

  1. What is the way for us to serve God as priests shown in Exodus 29?

  2. How can we see the redeeming and generating Christ experienced by us in Exodus 29?

  1. How can we see from Exodus 29 that those who serve God need to be slaguhtered and cut into pieces in Christ and through Christ?

  2. What are the three apects of the application of the blood of the peace offering in Exodus 29?

  1. What is the significance of Christ being the sin offering and the burnt offering in Exodus 29?

  2. What is the significance of the last step of the sanctification of the priests in Exodus 29?

  1. Give a brief sketch of the sanctification of the priests portraited in Exodus 29.

  2. How is the sanctification of the priests related to Christ's saturating us and transforming us?

  1. What are the four steps of the sanctification of the priests in Exodus 29?

  2. What is the goal of the sanctification of the priests in Exodus 29? How can we illustrate this by the example of inviting someone honorable for dinner?

  1. What is the significance of the high priest wearing the priestly garment for seven days?

  2. Experientially speaking, what does it mean for priests to eat the offerings in the holy place?

  1. What is the difference between sin and sins in the Bible?

  2. Why is there the need of sin offering before we can minister food to God?

  1. How is propitiation on the altar related to giving God food and eating with God?

  2. How do we raise and grow Christ in our experince to offer to God?

  1. What is the significance of Christ being the lamb?

  2. How can we raise Christ as lamb in our daily experience? How is this related to us offering Him as the sin offering?

  1. In our experince, how could we grow Christ as the wheat for the flour and the olives for the oil?

  2. How can we grow Christ to produce wine?

  1. What are the five improper attitude toward the Old Testament mentioned in this message?

  2. Why do we need a high regard toward the Old Testament?

  1. What is the radical change we need to have according to the picture in Exodus 29?

  2. What is the way we should talk to the Lord? How should we spend intimate time with Him?

  1. What is the center of God's administration?

  2. How can we see the tabernacle with all the furnishings in the Gospel of John? How is the functioning of all the other furnishinings being dependent on the golden incense altar?

  1. According to the picture of the incense altar, why is it important for us to have a prayer life?

  2. What is the relationship between our prayer and the life-giving Spirit portrayed by the incense altar?

  1. From the picture in Exodus, how can we see that praying at the incense altar requires us to be in God and God to be in us as our food?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of burning the incense? How is it related to the execution of God's administration?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of burning anything other than incense being prohibited at the golden incense altar?

  2. What do the two altars of the tabernacle signify? How are they connected with each other?

  1. What do the blood and fire indicate concerning the prerequistes of praying at the incense altar?

  2. What is the relationship between being reduced to ashes and passing through show bread table, lampstand, incense altar and the ark covered by the veil?

  1. What is the meaning of the golden incense altar being the desination of the divine tour?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of strange incense and strange fire?

  1. How is propitiation silver related to the formation of the army of God?

  2. How is incense altar related to the propitiation silver?

  1. What are the differences between the Passover lamb and the propitiation silver?

  2. What is the significance of the propitiation silver being made into the silver sockets, hooks and fillets of the tabernacle?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the propitiation silver?

  2. How is paying nothing less or more than half-shekel related to the church meeting?

  1. Why is it important for us to experience the laver in relation to God's tabernacle?

  2. What is the significance of laver of bronze? How is it related to our experience of the burnt offering altar?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the holy anointing ointment?

  2. How can we see the diivine traffic in the type of the compound ointment and the incense?

  1. What is the respective spiritual significance of myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia?

  2. What does it mean for holy anointing ointment not being put upon the flesh of man or strangers? What is the significance that the nothing like it should be made?

  1. Why have so many Christians failed to experience the compound ointment?

  2. Why is it not sufficient to believe in the objective facts? How is this related to our experience of the Spirit?

  1. What is the relationship between the experience of the compound Spirit and that of God's dwelling place and priesthood?

  2. How can we see the number three and five being related to God's building?

  1. What is the significance of the title "The Holy Spirit"?

  2. What is the significance of the title "The Spirit"?

  1. What is the significance of the title "The Spirit of Jesus"?

  2. What is the significance of the title "The Spirit of Glory"?

  1. How can we see the divine trinity in the ingredients of the compound ointment?

  2. How can we see the humanity of Jesus indicated by the ingredients of the compound ointment?

  1. How is the experience described in Galatians 5:24 related to the compound Spirit?

  2. What is the function of the compound Spirit?

  1. Based on apostle John's writing, how can we say that the Father and the Son can not be seperated just as Jesus and Christ can not be divided? How can we know this by the anointing?

  2. What is the proper understanding of Colossians 1:15?

  1. What is the defintion of antichrist in the context of 1 John 2?

  2. What are the items included in the divine "paint" mentioned in 1 John 2? What are implied in all these "ingredients"?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the incense? How is it related to the experiences of the other items in the tabernalce?

  2. In terms of spiritual experience, what are the differences between the bronze altar and the golden incense altar?

  1. How can we see the Triune God, humanity, and death and resurrection of Christ in the ingredients of the incense?

  2. What is the significance of salt in the incense?

  1. How can we see the death of Christ in the ingredients of the incense?

  2. What is the significance of the portion of ingredients of incense being equal?

  1. What is the respective meaning of the names of Bezalel, Uri and Hur? How their meaning is related to our experience of being builders of God's dwelling place?

  2. What is the difference between knowledge, understanding and wisdom? How these are related to the Spirit?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of working in gold, silver and bronze? How about "cutting of stones for setting" and "carving of wood"?

  2. What is the spiritual significance that the co-master builder of tabernacle being from the tribe of Dan?

  1. What is the significance of sabbath in the Bible?

  2. How is keeping the sabbath related to the building work of God?

  1. How is breaking of the law related to having idols?

  2. How can we see self-beautification leads to worshipping idols?

  1. How can we see the mixture of worship in children of Israel's worshipping the golden calf?

  2. What is the root cause of division and fornication? How can we apply this in our work for the Lord?

  1. What was Moses' ground to urge Jehovah to repent of His intent to wipe out the chldren of Israel?

  2. What is the significance of the levites killing their relatives? How is this related to the priesthood?

  1. How can we see the intimacy between Moses and God, which qualifed Moses to be the mediator between God and His people?

  2. How can we see the difference between know God's word and knowing God's heart in the experience of Moses?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of Moses pitching his tent outside the camp?

  2. What can we learn from Moses bargaining with the Lord?

  1. What can we learn from Moses meeting with the Lord alone in the morning?

  2. How is our enjoyment of Christ affected by idolatry?

  1. How can we apply the three feasts mentioned in Exodus 34 to our daily experience?

  2. How is fighting the enemy related to our feasting with the Lord?

  1. Why is there the need for the firstling of a donkey to be redeemed with a lamb?

  2. What does it mean to not boil a kid in its mother's milk?

  1. What is the key to understand Exodus 34?

  2. How can we receive God's infusion?

  1. What is the respective significance of the feast of unleaven bread, weeks, and ingathering in our experience?

  2. How can we apply the regulation concerning sabbath in Exodus 35 to our daily experience?

  1. What is the practical example of experiencing Christ as the brooch?

  2. What is the kind of workers needed for God's building?

  1. How can we see in the book of Revelation that God's intention is to have the ark?

  2. What are the two beginings we see in Exodus that every believer should experience?

  1. What is the difference between the tent of meeting and the tabernacle?

  2. What are the differences between Genesis and Exodus in their beginings and endings?