Truth Pursuit Revelation

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Study Questions - Life Study of Revelation

  1. What are the two main things that transpired in the book of Revelation? How can this affect our view of the saints and the enemy?

  2. In terms of God’s economy, why the book of Revelation is important by being the conclusion of the bible?

  3. Give two examples showing how Revelation is a book of conclusion.

  1. What is the spiritual significance of Christ being the Lion-Lamb?

  2. How is Christ administrating God’s eternal purpose today?

  3. How can we see Christ being the centrality and universality of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21?

  1. What does the type of the lampstand reveal in terms of the function of the church?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of all the lampstand in Revelation chapter one being identical?

  3. What is the purpose the man-child being raptured to the throne?

  1. Why is the seven Spirits in Revelation 1:4 ranked second among the Divine Trinity instead of the third as in Matthew 28:19?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of the seven Spirits being the seven eyes of the Lamb?

  3. What is the distinction between the Son being the first and the last, the beginning and the end, and the Alpha and the Omega?

  1. What are the two aspects of the Lord’s second coming? What should our attitude be toward His coming in terms of these two aspects?

  2. What will happen at the first aspect of His second coming?

  3. What will happen at the second aspect of His second coming?

  1. What does this phrase “in Jesus” (Rev. 1:9) imply in contrast to this phrase “in Christ” ?

  2. How is being in the kingdom of God today a matter of suffering persecution?

  1. Why the local aspect of the church is important?

  2. What are the four conditions for us to see God’s revelation and realize God’s manifestation?

  1. How can we see the golden lampstand is a type of the Triune God in Exodus 25?

  2. How does the lampstand function for the building of the church?

  1. In Revelation 1:13, why did Christ walk among the churches as the Son of Man?

  2. What is the significance of Christ’s being like flame of fire?

  3. According to our experience, what does it mean for the sharp two edged sword proceeding out of the mouth of the Lord ?

  1. How can we see God’s intention for us in His promising the reward to the overcomers in Ephesus?

  2. How does love, life and light go together? And How should we maintain and be kept in the church life today?

  1. Why does the Lord allow the churches to pass through sufferings and persecutions?

  2. What are the two aspects of the reward of the overcoming believers according to the epistle written to Smyrna?

  1. What are the two meanings of the word “Pergamos”? How are they related to the two parables in Matthew chapter 13?

  2. What does the word “Atipas” mean? How should we apply this in our experience?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the great harlot’s “being gilded with gold, pearl and precious stones” in Revelation 17?

  2. What are the three aspects of the reward the Lord will give to the overcomers in Thyatira?

  1. Why did the Lord present Himself the church in Sardis as one who has the seven Spirits and seven stars?

  2. What is the significance of not defiling our garments in Revelation 3:4? How can we apply this to our meetings?

  1. What does it mean for the church in Philadelphia to not deny the Lord’s name?

  2. What are the three aspects of the name that the Lord will write on the overcomers in the church in Philadelphia? What is the spiritual significance of them?

  1. Why did the recovered church become the degraded church? How could we avoid this degradation?

  2. What are the three stages of eating Christ in the Bible? How do they correspond to the rewards of the overcomers in three of the seven churches?

  1. What is the significance of God’s having both jasper stone and sardius in appearance ?

  2. What is the will of God mentioned in Revelation 4:11 as the goal of the entire book of Revelation?

  1. What are the two problems that the Lion-Lamb has solved in order to carry out God’s eternal purpose?

  2. What is the significance of the seven Spirits being seven eyes of the Lamb? And how is this related to God’s building?

  1. What are the spiritual significance of the riders of the four horses respectively?

  2. What is the relationship between the four horses with their riders?

  1. Why the saints are persecuted or even martyred because of the word of God and because of their testimony?

  2. What is God’s answer to the cry of the martyred saints?

  1. What are the spiritual significances of the palm branches and robes being made white in the blood of the lamb?

  2. What is the condition of us being taken away by God from the earth? What shall we do day by day in the light of this?

  1. How are the seven eyes of the Lamb for God’s building?

  2. What is the governing view of the entire bible and His desire today? How can this affect our pursue of spirituality and holiness?

  1. What is the relationshiop between the seven seals, seven trumpet and seven bowls?

  2. How can we cooopeate with God's move on earth seen in Revelation 8?

  1. How can we see the great tribulation last for three and half years from Daniel 9 and Matthew 24?

  2. How can we escape the great tribulation as God’s heavenly people?

  1. How can we see that the great tribulation begins with the fifth trumpet?

  2. After seeing the prophecies in the Bible come to pass and seeing the future of the human history, what should we do?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of Christ coming to place His feet on the sea and on the land?

  2. What is the meaning of the mystery of God being finished?

  1. According to the Bible, how can we see the two witnesses in Revelation 11 being Moses and Elijah?

  2. What is the relationship between the two destructions of Jerusalem?

  1. When will the majority of the saints be raptured?

  2. According to the entire book of Revelation, what is the center of God’s judgement and what is the center of God’s building? What is the relationship between God’s judgement and His building?

  1. What are the two main categories of rapture and when will they take place?

  2. What are the two sides of the balanced life we should live?

  3. What is the meaning of of rapture and how should this affect our living today?

  1. What are the five conditions for the believers to be raptured as overcomers?

  2. What does it mean to watch and pray always?

  1. What does it mean for the gold we have to be beaten together into one lampstand?

  2. How can we function in the meetings in a genuine way instead of performing?

  1. What is the greatest blessing from the Lord?

  2. What does it mean for the Lord to write the three names upon us: the name of God, the name of the New Jerusalem and the Lord‘s new name?

  1. How can we see from the Gospel of John and the book of Revelation, that Christ is for God’s building?

  2. What are the functions of the seven lamps, the seven eyes and the seven Spirits respectively?

  1. How can we see from the Bible that God’s people are female in God’s eyes?

  2. What are the three categories of people that were included in the universal and bright woman?

  1. What is the difference between the man-child and the woman in Revelation 12?

  2. How can we follow the Lamb and be part of the man-child today?

  1. How can we be the man child?

  2. How can we overcome the enemy by the word of our testimony?

  1. What is the meaning of the word “devil” and what should our attitude be toward him?

  2. What is the significance of Satan casting river against the woman and how does God preserve the woman?

  1. Why does the war in heaven immediately begin when man child is raptured? What does this have to do with us today?

  2. How can we be the stronger part of the woman in Revelation 12?

  1. Describe the history of the universal woman from Revelation chapter 12 through 22.

  2. How can we be practically be part of the woman to bring forth the man child?

  1. What is the significance of the fourth beast in Daniel chapter seven having ten horns?

  2. What can we see from Daniel 8:9?

  1. What will happen during the last week of the seventy weeks prophesied by Daniel?

  2. How will the Antichrist be destroyed?

  1. What are the two sources of Antichrist’s being?

  2. According to Revelation 19 and 2 Thessalonians 2, how the Antichrist will be defeated by Christ?

  1. According to 2 Tim 3:16, why do we need to get into those prophecies?

  2. How will the Antichrist be the counterfeit of Christ?

  1. According to message 44, who will be the four persons that God has prepared for the end times?

  2. What is the principle of Judas in our being?

  1. What are the three aspects of the way to be the man child revealed in the book of Ephesians?

  2. What are the two works that the word of God does in us?

  1. What is the significance of number 144000 according to God’s divine administration?

  2. Why would being raptured not be a surprise for the firstfruits?

  1. What is the difference between the eternal gospel and the gospel of grace?

  2. What are the three types of persons in the millennium kingdom?

  1. What is the difference between the rapture of the firstfruit and the harvest?

  2. What are the spiritual significances of the wheat, the fig tree and the grapevine?

  1. What is the significance of the late overcomers singing the song of Moses and of the Lamb?

  2. What is the relationship between the Throne and the Temple with the Ark?

  1. What is the significance of God being the God in the temple versus the God being on the throne?

  2. What will happen to Satan, the nation of Israel and Christ with His overcomers at the war of Armageddon?

  1. According to this message, what are the two functions of the Lord's recovery?

  2. What is the difference between adultery and fornication?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of Rev 17:16-17?

  2. If we want our relatives and friends to come out of the Roman Catholic Church, how can we approach them in a proper way?

  1. What is the line of Babylon and line of Jerusalem in the Bible?

  2. How should we study and interpret the book of Revelation as the conclusion of the entire Bible?

  1. What are significances of the two garments of a believer in the Bible? How are they related to the wedding feast of Christ?

  2. What is meaning of “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of the prophecy”?

  1. How does Christ speak for God in the Gospel of John and in the book of Revelation?

  2. How is the second garment of the overcomers related to the war at Armageddon?

  1. What are the two sections and three people of the millennium kingdom?

  2. Why do we need to grow and mature in the divine life today in the light of the judgement seat of Christ?

  1. Why will Satan not be cast into the lake of fire until the end of the millennium?

  2. What are the two things according to which God will judge the dead unbelievers?

  1. Why are the old heaven and old earth no longer needed after God’s work with His people is completed?

  2. Where can we be perfected today and what should be our attitude be towards the difficulties and circumstances we encounter in this age?

  1. How can we see the vision of the New Jerusalem?

  2. What is the New Jerusalem in terms of God’s building work?

  3. What are the two paradises in the Bible and how are they different from each other?

  1. How does type of the breastplate show us that we know God’s will through the church?

  2. What are the spiritual significances of the three building materials of the New Jerusalem?

  1. What does it mean for us to be measured by a golden reed?

  2. What is the principle of the holy of holies?

  1. How can our different concepts, views and opinions be swallowed up?

  2. What are the two main functions of the wall of the New Jerusalem?

  1. What is the significance of the gates being three on each side?

  2. How can we apply to our daily life the fact that the street of the New Jerusalem is pure gold?

  1. How can we experience the New Jerusalem today as the mutual dwelling place of God and man?

  2. How can we apply today the fact that the nations will be walking by the light of the New Jerusalem?

  1. By Revelation 21:23, how can we understand God and the Lamb having one throne?

  2. How can we apply the picture of the New Jerusalem with the street, the river and the tree of life in our experience?

  1. How can we enjoy the holy city today to enjoy God and enjoy God in one another?

  2. In our experience, what does it mean to have no more curse?

  1. What does it mean for the Lord to be the Alpha and the Omega in our experience of Him?

  2. What is the significances of the book of Revelation ending with grace

  1. What is the revelation of God’s building in the Bible?

  2. What is the development of lampstand with seven lamps in the Bible from Exodus, Zechariah to Revelation?

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