Truth Pursuit – Matthew

Study Questions

  1. Who are the five women included in the genealogy of Christ? Who do they represent?

  2. What are the significances of Christ being the son of David and the son of Abraham?

  1. What does it mean for Abraham to live by faith?

  2. What is the way of Ishmael and what is the way of Isaac?

  1. What does it mean to be today’s Boaz in the church life?

  2. How can we gain God’s building seen in the experience of David begetting Solomon?

  1. Why did Zerubbabel return to Jerusalem in terms of the coming of Christ? How can we apply this to the second coming of Christ?

  2. What lesson can we learn from the four generations being cut off from the genealogy of Christ?

  1. What does the name Jesus mean? How is this name related to us in our experience being equivalent to Joshua?

  2. How can we practically let Christ establish His kingdom in our being?

  1. What are the three elements in the name of Jesus?

  2. What does it mean to be baptized into the name of Jesus?

  1. What are the two ways we can have the star shining over us?

  2. What is the principle we can learn from Jesus’s birth being hidden?

  1. What is the function of a priest and a king?

  2. How can we be real evangelist to bring in the kingdom?

  1. What are the three significant words in Matthew 3:2 and what is the meaning of each one?

  2. What are the three baptisms mentioned in Matthew chapter 3 and how are they related to each other?

  1. How can we be right with God in the church life?

  2. What is the way to have an open heaven, the descended Spirit and the speaking of the Father?

  1. What are the significances of three temptations the Lord passed through in Matthew 4?

  2. What should our attitude be related to the worldly glory?

  1. According to our experience, what is the significance of the disciples meeting the Lord the second time at the Sea of Galilee?

  2. How were the four disciples attracted to the Lord? How can we follow this way of the Lord?

  1. What does it mean to be poor in spirit in our experience?

  2. What are the three aspects of the kingdom of the heavens?

  1. What are the two conditions of the mind and the spirit for a person to receive salvation? How can we as believers today apply this to our experience?

  2. What is the condition for us to be merciful to others?

  1. How can we have a pure heart toward God based upon Matthew chapter 5?

  2. What is the difference between being a peace-maker and being political?

  3. What is the real blessing and how can we share this blessing?

  1. What is the function of the believers as salt?

  2. How can we see from Matthew chapter 5 that spirituality is not an individualistic matter?

  1. What are the three aspects of Christ fulfilling the law?

  2. How can we keep the highest law with the highest standard of mortality to enter into the kingdom of the heavens?

  1. What is the difference between the principle of the law and the commandments of the law?

  2. How can we meet the standard of these higher requirements on Matthew 5?

  1. What are the four laws that have been changed in the decree of the constitution of the kingdom of the heavens?

  2. What is the relationship between the new law in Matthew 5-7 and the divine life of the Father?

  1. What are the three aspects of the law and how have they changed in the New Testament dispensation?

  2. How can we fulfill the requirements of the law according to Romans 8?

  1. For us as kingdom people, what is the basic principle concerning righteous deeds?

  2. How is doing righteous deeds in secret related to the growth in life?

  1. What is the difference between duty and anxiety in our experience?

  2. What is the only kind of person that would grow in life?

  1. Why do we criticize and judge others? How can we be merciful to others and be saved from judging or criticizing others?

  2. What is the best way to contact people and how should we contact people?

  1. What are the two things we need in order to enter into the kingdom of the heavens?

  2. What does it mean for us to build our house upon the rock? And what is the meaning of building our house upon the sand?

  1. What are the spiritual significances of the leper, the centurion with the paralyzed slave, and Peter's mother in law?

  2. What are the two aspects of the way to follow the Lord revealed in Matthew 8?

  1. Who was the Lord rebuking when He rebuke the wind and the sea in Matthew 8?

  2. What do the three cases reveal concerning Christ in His rebuking the wind and sea, in His casting out the demons and in His forgiving sins?

  1. Why are we blessed if we do not consider ourselves to be righteous?

  2. How should our living and walk be regulated and directed?

  1. What is the meaning of putting a patch of unfullef cloth on an old garment?

  2. What is the meaning of the new wine skin? And what are the two main functions of this new wine skin?

  1. What is the condition for Christ to be revealed?

  2. How does the Lord accomplish His economy through our prayers?

  1. Why did the Lord call the people in Sanhedrin and synagogues wolves? How can we apply it today in our situation?

  2. How can the Lord's sent ones deal with persecution?

  1. What should our realization be when facing rejection and opposition in ministering Christ?

  2. What is the rest in Matthew 11:28? How can we have this rest?

  1. What are the three aspects of Christ that were revealed in Matthew 12:1-14?

  2. What are the spiritual significances of the bruised reed and smoking flax?

  1. Why is there the need of binding the strong man? How can we bind the strong man?

  2. What are the spiritual significances of being blind and dumb? How these two are related?

  1. How is Jonah a type of Christ according to Mathew 12?

  2. What are the three conditions of the Jews described by the Lord?

  1. What are the spiritual significances of the "house", "sea" and "boat"?

  2. Where can we receive the speaking of the Lord concerning the mysteries of the kingdom?

  1. How can we see in Mathew 13 that the kingdom is a matter of life?

  2. What are the four kinds of soil mentioned in Matthew 13? How are they related to the kingdom constitution in Matthew 5-7?

  1. What are the spiritual significances of the tares and the wheat?

  2. What will happen to the tares at the end of this age?

  1. What is the significance of mustard seed becoming a great tree and having birds lodging on the branches?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of leaven?

  1. What do the treasure in the field and pearl in the sea signify?

  2. What is the difference and relationship between the church and the kingdom?

  1. What is the difference between the pearl and treasure in the context of the New Jerusalem?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of the scribe discipled into the kingdom bringing forth treasure of new and old?

  1. What is the relationship between the church and the kingdom? How can we see this in Matthew 7?

  2. What are the three categories of people when the Lord comes? How should we live today in the light of this?

  1. What are the three main factors that cause Christ to be rejected?

  2. What is the one thing according to which we should know one another?

  1. How can we become a blessing to feed others seen in Matthew 14?

  2. What can we learn from the Lord's feeding the crowds while we are in want?

  1. What does the Lord's being on the mountain while the boat was facing the storm signify in our experience?

  2. What does it mean to have faith according to Peter's experience in Matthew 14?

  3. What is the spiritual significance of the healing from the fringe of Lord's garment?

  1. What should our attitude be in relationship to the traditions and the word of God?

  2. What should we care for in our meeting according to the light from Matthew 15?

  1. What kind of cleansing do we need implied by Matthew 15? And how can we get this cleansing?

  2. What is the difference between the Lord's feeding the crowd in Matthew 14 and 15?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of adding leaven to the bread? Why this is mentioned immediately after Matthew 15?

  2. How does leaven hinder us seeing the revelation of Christ?

  3. What is the rock on which the Lord will build His church?

  1. What is the unique way for Christ's life to be released and to build up the church?

  2. What is the meaning of bearing the cross?

  1. What is glorification?

  2. How did Christ replace Moses and Elijah in the New Testament?

  1. What is the connection between the transfiguration of the Lord and the casting out of the demons?

  2. What is the purpose of Peter's being tested in the matter paying Temple tax? What can we learn from this story?

  1. What is the basic factor that causes trouble in the church?

  2. How should we deal with an offending brother according to Matthew 18?

  1. What are the two main problems that the Lord addressed in Matthew 18 that hinder us to live the kingdom life?

  2. In order to live the kingdom life, what should we do if we are offended? And what should we do if we offended others?

  1. What is the difference between the eternal life mentioned in the Gospel of John and Matthew?

  2. How can we deal with lust, pride and the love for money?

  1. What is the two-fold reward that Lord give to His disciples?

  2. How can we receive the kingdom reward? What should our view be in terms of the thing we have given up for the Lord?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the fact that the Lord's unveiling of His death and resurrection immediately follows the mentioning of the kingdom reward?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of the two blind men's following the Lord immediately after they were healed?

  1. How can we apply the Lord coming into Jerusalem and cleansing the temple to our experience? What is the issue of this?

  2. What is the spiritual significance of Jerusalem and Bethany in our experience? How can we be those dwelling with the Lord in Bethany?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of our Savior being the stone?

  2. What are the three aspects of Christ being the stone to three categories of people? How can we apply this in our Christian experience?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the wedding garment mentioned in Matthew 22 and Revelation 19? How does this garment differ from the garment in Luke 15?

  2. What does it mean to be cast into the outer darkness? How should our living be today in the light of this?

  1. What are the four directions that the Lord was tested on in Matthew 22?

  2. What should our attitude be towards our knowledge of Christ?

  1. Why does the Lord call scribes and Pharisees hypocrites in Matthew 23?

  2. What is sanctification revealed in Matthew 23?

  1. What are the three questions of the disciples that the Lord answered from Matthew 24:3 to 25:46?

  2. What is the the difference between the gospel of Grace and the gospel of the kingdom? How is this related to the end of this age?

  1. What is the abomination of desolation mentioned in Matthew 24:15?

  2. What are the two comings (parousia) of Christ near the closing of this age? Where would they be respectively?

  1. What does the Lord indicate when He likened the days of His coming to the days of Noah?

  2. What does it mean to give food at the proper time in the master's household?

  1. How are the believers' readiness and faithfulness related to the Spirit?

  2. What does it mean for the prudent virgins to take oils in their vessels with their lamps? How can we be prepared as the prudent virgins today?

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the talents given by the Lord in Matthew 25? What does it mean to trade with the talents?

  2. What should be the two aspects of the issue of our service?

  1. What is the proper function of the members of the church?

  2. Practically, how can we use our talent in the church life?

  1. Who are the sheep and goats mentioned in Matthew 25?

  2. What is the difference between the gospel of grace and the eternal gospel?

  1. What are the two tables seen in Matthew 26?

  2. What is the two-fold significance of the bread and cup of the Lord's table respectively? How can we render to the Lord the real remembrance at His table?

  1. What is the purpose of the record of the contrast between the Lord and Peter? How is this related to the kingdom?

  2. What is the connection between the Lord's answer to the high priest in Matthew 26 and His answer to the devil in Matthew 4?

  1. Why did God forsake the Lord Jesus economically on the cross?

  2. What is the significance of the veil in the temple being split from top to bottom in Matthew 27?

  1. What is the foundation of our salvation?

  2. What is the difference between God's love, grace and righteousness?

  1. What is the relationship between Christ's resurrection and righteousness?

  2. What does it mean to baptize people into the Triune God?